Friday, May 15, 2020



To win you have to Conquer the most nations.

You have 14 soldiers, 5 blockades, 3 Conquer Towers and one temple

You can't put two barricades side by side.

To start a fight you need to jump onto the same square as your opponent, but you need to have the exact number to land on the square your opponent is on. Same goes with the conquer towers and the temples

Tell kill your opponent you need to roll a higher number than them, each opponent has 2 healths

You need 2 soldiers to start a fight with a temple. To start a fight with a Conquer Tower you need 2 soldiers.

you can position your pawns anywhere you like on your part of the board.

The game ends when all of the players are dead, the person with the most nations conquered wins

If you land on the watchtowers you get bumped back a space

if there is a Barricade on a square you can't land on that Square.

if you land on a Watchtower in your part of the board it does not do anything.

You place a Conquer Tower when you have conquered a temple.

Temples have 5 Healths and conquer towers have three.

If you are the last man standing you can choose to bring back half a nation from the dead. so that you can keep playing and have more of a chance of winning.

This is a 4 player game. But you can play it with two or three people. the nation that isn't being used is inactive. You can land on this nation's watchtowers and not go back a space.

Each nation has a special move, the air nomads (team on the white part of the board) can move an extra space every second turn, the Water Tribe (team on the blue part of the board) can move diagonal, the Earth Kingdom (team on the brown part of the board) can bump their opponents backward two spaces away and the Fire Nation (team on the red part of the board) can start a fight two spaces away

When you're fighting a temple or a Conquer Tower you have 2 soldiers who put their health together to make 4 healths.

To see who goes first, roll a dice, the person with the highest number wins.

You can’t put two blockades side by side.


  1. I Jack My name is Alvin from YMS I really like you blog it is well explained and it sounds very cool I want to play now but whatch out when you are writing your sentences because some dosen't make sense I'll give you a advice allways re-read your writng when your done. did you think about making a video so we can understand about your game a little more anyways Great Job!

  2. Great job, Jack. That sounds like a very complex game. You have obviously thought a great deal about how it works and a story to go with it.

  3. Hi Jack good game that you made.You could explain a little bit more on how to play the game. Sometime you should make a new game.
    sometime you should make a new game
    from lucas


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