Friday, July 3, 2020




Kereru (wood pigeon) have been recorded breeding in all months, but most eggs are laid in September-April. Pigeons in native forests have been known to not breed when little or no fruit was available. Their nest is made of dead twigs and a single egg is laid. Females incubate from late afternoon until mid-morning, then the males take over.


Wood Pigeons live in many types of forests, such as: Rimu Forests, Beech Forests, native forest and small forests. They also live in farmland and parks. You can find them in your backyard as well.


Kereru eats buds, leaves, flowers, berries, insects and lots of different fruits, both native and not. Most foods are taken while clambering about on vines, shrubs and trees, at a few locations. Kereru spend time on the ground feeding on clover and possibly other herbs. Ripe fruit seems to be

the preferred food, in most regions fruit is not available all year round, so Kereru then feeds on leaves.


The main threat to Kereru is introduced predators, such as: feral cats, possums, stoats and rats. Other man made threats are: fast moving vehicles, overhead power and telephone wires and windows, electrocution when perched on some power poles, and illegal hunting.


The Kereru has a white chest and blue-green wings. They have a green neck. They have a reddish back. They have a black-green tail. They are quite big birds; they are bigger than a child's head!

Their scientific name is Columba palumbus.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Coarse sand whipping at thy ankles!

Waves crashing like a falling plane!

A fun holiday with great family!

Running up and down the beach!

Got really super good Skim boarding waves!

Annoying brother staring out of windows!

Friday, May 15, 2020



To win you have to Conquer the most nations.

You have 14 soldiers, 5 blockades, 3 Conquer Towers and one temple

You can't put two barricades side by side.

To start a fight you need to jump onto the same square as your opponent, but you need to have the exact number to land on the square your opponent is on. Same goes with the conquer towers and the temples

Tell kill your opponent you need to roll a higher number than them, each opponent has 2 healths

You need 2 soldiers to start a fight with a temple. To start a fight with a Conquer Tower you need 2 soldiers.

you can position your pawns anywhere you like on your part of the board.

The game ends when all of the players are dead, the person with the most nations conquered wins

If you land on the watchtowers you get bumped back a space

if there is a Barricade on a square you can't land on that Square.

if you land on a Watchtower in your part of the board it does not do anything.

You place a Conquer Tower when you have conquered a temple.

Temples have 5 Healths and conquer towers have three.

If you are the last man standing you can choose to bring back half a nation from the dead. so that you can keep playing and have more of a chance of winning.

This is a 4 player game. But you can play it with two or three people. the nation that isn't being used is inactive. You can land on this nation's watchtowers and not go back a space.

Each nation has a special move, the air nomads (team on the white part of the board) can move an extra space every second turn, the Water Tribe (team on the blue part of the board) can move diagonal, the Earth Kingdom (team on the brown part of the board) can bump their opponents backward two spaces away and the Fire Nation (team on the red part of the board) can start a fight two spaces away

When you're fighting a temple or a Conquer Tower you have 2 soldiers who put their health together to make 4 healths.

To see who goes first, roll a dice, the person with the highest number wins.

You can’t put two blockades side by side.

Monday, May 11, 2020


This is my Longest Line art. Before you start your art you need to know the rules. #1 you can’t take your pen or pencil off the paper, #2 you can’t cross over another line, #3 to finish you have to go back to the place you started and connect your lines. After you have done that you chose about 1-5 shapes. Next thing you do is draw them anywhere, then color them in. As you can see I have chosen a circle, a triangle, a teardrop and a rectangle.

I hope you want to try to make this art yourself.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Hope you like the song I made. Click on the link and you can hear it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


I made this for a Shantytown task
check this link to see the shanty town tasks

don’t really like lock do-own 1          
      don’t want to be like this forever 2
      I’m gonna pull a new lever 3 
               if I’m stuck like this forever 4
5 sec
              1  everything is gonna cha-ange 
                           2  now that the world is quite stra-ange
  3    where in level three
                  4   but we still can’t have a party
5   nothing will be the sa-ame
                          and the bats are the ones to bla-ame 1
            I just can’t see my fre-einds 2
             this lock down has a lot of be-ends 3
          everyone has the virus 4
        it is quite ridiculous5
5 sec
  1  not knowing when we will come out of thi-is
                       2  and we can’t give it a mi-iss
3   being stuck at ho-ome
           4   I really wish I could go to Ro-ome
 5 looking out for a hero
        but I can see zero 1
       don’t really like lock do-own 2
        don’t want to be like this forever 3
                       I’m gonna pull a new lever  4 
5 sec         
                 1  if I’m stuck like this forever
         2  the world has shut do-own
              3  well at least no one will dro-own
4 if I’m stuck in my bubble 
               5 there will soon be some trouble 
*  let's hope this ends tomorrow
             *     I’m sick of the rules to follow                           

Friday, May 1, 2020


This is perspective art. Perspective art is when the picture looks 3D, like it’s going into the paper. First you have to choose a horizon line (if you don’t know what a horizon line is then scroll down and read my other blog post). For this art you usually make your horizon line on the top third so you have more room to add cool drawings (I cut mine off in the photo). My one is a desert, as you can see the train tracks look like they are going into the paper. Well that's because I chose a point on the horizon line where the train track meets, as they get further away the track gets thinner. The trick is to make the drawings that are close to you big and the ones further away are smaller. Well there you have it, it is REALLY EASY!!

I would love to do it again and I hope you give it a go!


This is my Anzac art. I did it with my Mum and my brother. It was quite fun, I learnt about landscapes and horizon lines. A landscape has to be outside and you have to have a horizon line. For example, a paddock could be a landscape. It basically means an outside picture or painting from far off so that you get the whole thing. A horizon line is where the land and the sky meet or the sea and the sky. To make your art more interesting put the horizon line on the bottom third of the paper or the top third. It is quite boring If you just have it bang in the middle.

To make my art I used charcoal, pastel, oil and pencil. It was pretty easy. I got a picture of soldiers and put them up the window. Then I traced around it and colored in their silhouettes.

It was really fun and I would like to do it again!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Weekend Recount


This weekend I had quite a bit of fun, I played and made games, I got up early on Anzac day and I even went crawlyling.

“Jack, Jack, GET UP” Mum said as I slowly rose up from the spot I had been lying asleep. I got up, rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked at Mum. She told me that it was Anzac day. Then she left to get on her own clothes. I lay back down, closed my eyes and just lay there. I got up and put on some warm clothes and shuffled into the kitchen to wait for Mum and Dad. Mum came out and then Dad. Dad went to make his coffee and Mum and I waited for him. It was nearly six so Mum and I ambled off to the mailbox. Mum drew out her phone and played the radio so that we could listen to the service. For the rest of that day me and Charlie made huts inside and played in them. The next day I went crawlying.

The sun was setting as me and my little brother asked Dad if we could go crawlying. He said “go do your chores and we will see”. So we did, Dad said yes. Yay! We got all ready and then we left. Then we turned on our headlights and had a look. I spotted a crawly and Charlie moved in for the kill, aannnnnndddddd………… SPLASH!! Charlie grabbed the first crawly, the first and definitely not the last! We kept on catching crawly after crawly. We came to a place with crawlies galore. I spotted a huge one down near the bottom and there was another biggish one over top of it on a rock. First Charlie grabbed the biggish one. I climbed up the bank of the water race and flagged dad down. He stopped and I told him what we saw. He came down and shifted some of the bigger rocks around the crawly so we could get at him better. Then Charlie plunged his hand into the water……. KA-SPLOOSH!! Charlie had just grabbed THE BIGGEST CRAWLY WE HAD CAUGHT THAT NIGHT. We only took home 7 and let the others go. It was all good fun! The next day Charlie and I made some games.

On Monday I made some board games, one was called ‘I Bet, U Gamble’. It is a game where you start off with five hundred dollars and you place down your money that you wish to gamble for. You have two dice each and you try to roll doubles (like six and six). You have to pay to play. It is quite fun. I made another one called ‘NATIONS AT WAR’. It is a bit like Dungeons And Dragons. You have to conquer the other nations. To win every one has to be dead and the nation with the most other nations conquered wins.


Friday, April 17, 2020



This is the boat I'm making. I got the idea to make this from a book that I'm reading. It is The Famous Five, Five On Treasurer Island. One of the characters was whittling a boat, since I have a pocket knife I thought it was a good idea to make one over the lock down to keep me busy.
I went out to see Dad because I wanted to carve a boat with my knife. I thought I would ask Dad for some wood to carve. He said I should have a look in the wood shed (we have lots of bits of cut up wood in there). I looked in and found the perfect piece of wood. It was a little bit big. So first I drew the shape of my boat, then I got a hand saw and sawed it off around the boat.

I have been working on it each day and it is really starting to look like a boat. It is a really fun activity to do in this lock down. Still I don't like not being allowed to play with my friends.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Baking 2020

This year since Jess went to high school I did baking with Priya, we made mini pizzas and we made the dough ourselves. The dough was a little hard but we added lots of oil and our dough turned yellow, but at least it stuck together. I kneaded and Priya rolled out the dough. We still need four more bases, so we made some more. The dough was white this time so we gave it to the people who were baking. They were Oscar, Teagan, Rhys and Kaylee. Then Priya went around our class and asked people what they wanted on their pizza. When the pizzas were cooked I took them out to the people who ordered pizzas everyone liked the pizzas.